Abominable Putridity

Originarios de Moscow Russia nace en el 2003 Abominable Putridity, con Vladimir en voz, Sergey en las guitarras, Andrey en el Bajo y por ultimo Alexander en las crudos sonidos de la bateria; dueños de un trabajado slamming guttural brutal death metal, mesclado con liricas de tematica gore.Abominable Putridity se a transformado en una banda estadarte en este genero.

In The End Of Human Existence (2007 - Re-Release 2009)
1. Intracranial Parasite
2. Entrails Full of Vermin
3. Blindfold Surgery
4. Skin Removal
5. Dissected From Within
6. Throat Fisting Abortion
7. Intestinal Putrefaction
8. Victims Stuffed With Nails
9. Sphacelated Nerves
10. In The End of Human Existence

In The End of Human Existence (2007)
1. Intracranial Parasite
2. Entrails Full of Vermin
3. Blindfold Surgery
4. Skin Removal
5. Dissected From Within
6. Throat Fisting Abortion
7. Intestinal Putrefaction
8. Victims Stuffed With Nails
9. Sphacelated Nerves
10. In The End of Human Existence


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